On June 21, 2018, hundreds of proud members of the PCC Federation of Classified Employees (PCCFCE, AFT Local 3922) gathered to send a clear message to the Supreme Court and anti-worker organizations: they’re sticking to their union.
Just days before the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus vs. AFSCME, the spirit of #IamAFT was on full display, with over 260 members participating in a broad range of activities and actions. Members attended trainings on issues like grievances, how to become a worksite leader, and the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS).
Showing that they care, they fight, and they show up, local volunteers signed up 21 new members and re-committed more. “PCCFCE came away from this daylong retreat stronger and more prepared to improve their workplace and their community,” said Debra Mayo-Kelley, the AFT-Oregon Field Representative who works with the local. “The experience proves, yet again, that our members are sticking with their union and they won't be swayed by corporate funded right-wing shadow groups.”