AFT-Oregon is pleased to invite members in good standing with their local to apply for educational scholarships for 2025. There are four scholarships available, and each scholarship winner will receive $3000. The scholarships will be awarded at the AFT-Oregon Convention on Saturday, May 10, 2025.
Applications must be postmarked or time stamped by midnight March 17, 2025.
Shirley J. Gold Scholarship
The Shirley J. Gold Scholarship is for AFT-Oregon members pursuing additional education. Shirley Gold was an innovative teacher and union leader who spent her life working for human rights. She served as President of Portland Federation of School Professionals, Local 111 for five years, moved on to become President of AFT- Oregon, and then served 16 years in the Oregon House and Senate.
Shirley J. Gold Scholarship Information and Application
Deirdre Mackey Scholarship
The Deirdre Mackey Scholarship is for AFT-Oregon members who are part of a marginalized community and/or demonstrate that their studies will work to advance the cause of social justice and the ending of discrimination. Deirdre Mackey, AFT-Oregon Program Coordinator, passed away, along with her daughter Grace, in a tragic accident on December 25, 2017. Deirdre was dedicated to social justice. She will be remembered as an individual who would mediate differences between others and seek to understand the values and experiences of people, always trying to identify and respect the sincerity and nobility that people brought to a cause or issue.
Deirdre Mackey Scholarship Information and Application
Grace Misztal Scholarship
The Grace Misztal Scholarship is for AFT-Oregon member’s children, grandchildren or dependents who are part of a marginalized community and/or demonstrate that their studies will work to advance the cause of social justice and the ending of discrimination. Grace Misztal, daughter of Deirdre Mackey, AFT-Oregon Program Coordinator, passed away in a tragic accident on December 25, 2017. They will be remembered as individuals who mediated differences between others and sought to understand the values and experiences of people, always trying to identify and respect the sincerity and nobility that people brought to a cause or issue.
Grace Misztal Scholarship Information and Application
Oregon Tribal Student Scholarship
The Oregon Tribal Student Scholarship is for AFT-Oregon members or their dependents who are Oregon tribal members.
Oregon Tribal Student Scholarship Information and Application
Applications must be postmarked or time stamped by midnight March 17, 2025.
Please email scholarship applications to Alex Vuilleumier at: alex.v@pccffap.org
Or mail to:
AFT-Oregon Scholarship Program
10228 SW Capitol Highway
Portland, OR 97219
For additional information, please contact Susan Watters at susanw@aft-oregon.org or 1-971-888-5665.