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This webpage will post campaign information for anyone interested in running for a position on the AFT-Oregon Executive Council. Elections will be held at the AFT-Oregon convention in May 2025. Candidates who would like to post campaign information here are requested to fill out this form

AFT-Oregon 2025 Local Awards

AFT-Oregon is pleased to invite nominations for local awards for 2025. This year those recognized for their extraordinary service to their local, the state federation, or the labor movement in general will also receive a monetary award of $250. The awards will be announced at the AFT-Oregon Convention on Saturday, May 10, 2025. 

Nominations must be postmarked or time stamped by midnight March 17, 2025.

AFT-Oregon 2025 Scholarships

AFT-Oregon is pleased to invite members in good standing with their local to apply for educational scholarships for 2025. There are four scholarships available, and each scholarship winner will receive $3000. The scholarships will be awarded at the AFT-Oregon Convention on Saturday, May 10, 2025.

Applications must be postmarked or time stamped by midnight March 17, 2025.

Gearing up! AFT-Oregon 2025 Convention

Documents for the 2025 AFT-Oregon Convention

AFT-Oregon Winter School 2025

Join us for AFT-Oregon's annual all-day training event, Winter School 2025held at Chemeketa Eola in Salem. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Join us for a great day of planting the seeds of new skills at our annual training event! 


AFT-Oregon is proud to host its 2025 Convention at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center on May 9-11, 2025.

Michelle Batten and Frank Goulard

Two recently retired local union presidents were honored by the Northwest Oregon Labor Council at its 24th Annual Labor Appreciation Dinner. 

People holding sign that says "We are worth MORE"

Members and supporters of Oregon Coast United Employees, AFT Local 6020 gather at a rally before a board meeting of the Oregon Coast Community College. This is the second consecutive contract negotiation that has ended up in mediation, and members let the board know that they are tired of the endless delays. 


AFT-Oregon leaders stand in solidarity with those who are exercising their fundamental rights to protest injustice, hold institutions accountable, and exercise academic freedom. We stand in opposition to police repression and the suspension, expulsion, or retaliation of our union members and the students we serve at Oregon’s colleges and universities, such as at PSU and UO where demonstrations are ongoing.


The AFT-Oregon Executive Council has vacancies for Treasurer and Vice-President at Large positions in accordance with our Constitution.  Vice-Presidents at Large act as liaisons to locals; attend EC meetings as voting officers; and work within our federation to accomplish our goals, which include developing more focused VP roles over the next two years in accordance with the Expanded Executive Council amendment we passed at convention; increasing engagement and participation opportunities for local leadership and rank-and-file membership; and improving transparency, accountability, and accessibility of our federation proceedings.