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AFT-Oregon Statement on the Student-Led Pro-Palestine Movement

AFT-Oregon leaders stand in solidarity with those who are exercising their
fundamental rights to protest injustice, hold institutions accountable, and exercise
academic freedom. We stand in opposition to police repression and the
suspension, expulsion, or retaliation of our union members and the students we
serve at Oregon’s colleges and universities, such as at PSU and UO where
demonstrations are ongoing.

As educators and advocates for social justice, it is our duty to amplify the voices of
those fighting for freedom, dignity, and self-determination, and to oppose
oppression and injustice. We affirm the right to peacefully protest which includes
disruption of “business as usual” and we urge university leaders to engage with
protesters and negotiate with their demands.

We condemn the nationwide police violence that has been unleashed on students
and educators. We see no place for such escalating actions that silence dissenting
voices through force in Oregon or anywhere else in our world.

We commend the courage and resilience of the student, faculty, and staff
protesters as they stand up for human rights. Together, we will continue to work
toward a future where all people are free, because a better world is worth standing
up and fighting for.

In Solidarity-

American Federation of Teachers – Oregon, Executive Council

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