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Bob Rossi interviews Andrea Haverkamp of the Coalition of Graduate Employees (AFT) at Oregon State University on higher education today and how unions can function in that environment.


On Nov. 29, AFT-Oregon President Jaime Rodriguez spoke with Willamette Wake Up host Bob Rossi on KMUZ Community Radio. Learn about the latest Oregon labor developments, AFT-Oregon's goals, and some historical background on President Rodriguez. 


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"30126","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-left","style":"width: 100px; height: 125px; float: left;"}}]]On July 1, 2019, Jamie Rodriguez began his term as the new AFT-Oregon President. Jaime has been a long time active member of Local 2277, Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals, in addition to serving as AFT-Oregon's VP of Political Action since 2014. AFT-Oregon members and staff welcome Jaime and are looking forward to his leadership, inspiration, and passion for labor advocacy.


AFT-Oregon SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS are now open and accepting applications for 2021.

The deadline for applications has been extended to February 14, 2021.

Apply Now!


Carl J. Megel Scholarship of $1,500 is for a child/grandchild of an AFT-Oregon member who is graduating from high school and will be enrolling in a post-secondary program in the fall.

Carl J. Megel Scholarship Application

Albert F. Shanker Scholarship of $1,500 is for a child/grandchild of an AFT-Oregon member who is already attending a post-secondary education program and will be continuing in the fall.

Albert F. Shanker

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of AFT-Oregon staff member Deirdre Mackey, along with her daughter Grace, from a traffic accident on December 25, 2017. 
Deirdre was warm and caring, always willing to help a coworker—or a stranger—at a moment's notice. She brought that same love to her work at AFT-Oregon as our Program Coordinator and Financial Specialist. Deirdre was a skilled project manager and all-around talent, committed to social justice and the union movement. She was our friend.
Deirdre and Grace will be missed dearly. Our thoughts and prayers are with their family

Every school and college support staffer who belongs to the AFT knows they’re in this line of work for their students, for each other and for their communities.

It stands to reason. They love the work. They are devoted to their students, fighting for resources that will help young people and communities thrive. They have each other’s backs. And they’re sticking with their union, which provides supports like professional development, as well as collective bargaining tools, free lesson plans and sources for books and supplies.

Here’s what some Oregon paraprofessionals and school-related personnel


If the case of Janus v. AFSCME is supposed to spell the end of unions– as corporate-funded shadow groups would have you believe - you wouldn’t have known it based on the actions of AFT-Oregon members, fellow union members, allied community groups, and elected officials.


Deirdre Mackey and her daughter, Grace Misztal, two beloved members of the AFT-Oregon family, were tragically lost on December 25, 2017, but their commitment to justice lives on. At the 2018 AFT-Oregon Convention, members unanimously approved a resolution to establish two social justice scholarships in honor of Deirdre and Grace.


Thousands of members of the American Federation of Teachers from across the nation gathered in Pittsburgh from July 12-16, 2018, at the 2018 National Convention. Click here to learn more. 


Hundreds of proud members of the PCC Federation of Classified Employees (PCCFCE, AFT Local 3922) gathered to send a clear message to the Supreme Court and anti-worker organizations: they’re sticking to their union.